3 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Effective Roof Coating

3 Factors to Consider When Choosing an Effective Roof Coating

November 18, 2021

High-quality roofs can be quite the investment, so if you want to prolong their lifespan, roof coatings are your best bet. Roof coatings are perfect if your roof needs repairs, and it’s excellent for general maintenance to make the structure last for decades.

However, not all roof coatings are created equal. When choosing the most effective and practical roof coating for your commercial structure, there are several considerations to keep in mind. Continue reading to learn more about them.

1. Cost Benefits

When it comes to roof management, most people resort to solutions that only lead to wasting materials, adding to pollution, and bringing in unnecessary costs. Ultimately, property managers and owners should rethink these actions and look for ways to achieve sustainability—for instance, roof coatings.

Roof coatings are perfect solutions to get a roof that offers long-term performance, optimum cost, and sustainability. With the use of roof coatings, you will ensure that you will stay safe for the future.

2. Property Requirements

Every roof comes with its particular characteristics, and it can be challenging to find a coating that has all the features it needs. If you are a property manager, you should consider what your roof requires, particularly when it comes to installation. Think about what the coating qualities are or what coating combinations you should use for the best results.

Here are some materials commonly found in roof coatings:

  • Acrylic Elastomerics — These are sustainable coatings with high reflectivity and UV protection, but they don’t resist water well. Acrylic elastomeric coatings are ideal for single-ply roofs, tiles, metals, and built-up roofs. On average, they add 10 to 15 years to a roof’s life.
  • Synthetic Rubber — Synthetic rubber comes with 0.1 perm, which means it is more water and moisture resistant compared to other materials. It resists ponding and hail, plus it is also black in color, renewable, non-breathable, and durable.
  • Silicone — Silicone is resistant to ponding water, but it has a limited elongation at 150 percent. Additionally, it is harder to repair and may tear easily.
  • Cold Press Asphalt Emulsion — This is a practical base coat that needs a bit of reinforcement to be effective.

3. Maintenance Requirements

When a coating is applied correctly and maintained, it can add 20 years to a roof’s lifespan. To assure optimum quality, you should think about training, research and development, and product selection.

With this, property managers must put maintenance plans in place. Some of the activities you have to make sure you do annually are:

  • Gutter checking and cleaning
  • Dirt cleaning
  • Looking for ponding issues and fixing them
  • Powerwashing the roof
  • Repairing cuts and flashings

Aside from those activities, these are the maintenance tasks you have to do once every ten years:

  • Rebuilding ponding areas
  • Roof recoating
  • Reinforcing penetrations

Final Thoughts

When it comes to commercial roofing, roof coatings may help prolong life and assure quality for decades. However, it is crucial to think about material formulations, cost benefits, and application methods before making the final choice. It’s best to call in professionals to help you make the best decision for your commercial structure.

If you are looking for solutions for your roofing problems, work with us at Cardinal Roofing. We are a commercial roofing company in Birmingham, AL, and we have been a trusted name since our founding. Give us a call today, and let’s discuss how we can help you.