5 Things to Consider When Doing Roofing in the Winter

5 Things to Consider When Doing Roofing in the Winter

January 20, 2022

Many people may find themselves in need of roofing repairs in the off-season and wonder whether it’s a bad idea to have excellent roofing repair work done at that time. I don’t even want to be outside; why would they? They might ask. 

Whereas the concern about the quality of the repairs is worthy of a detailed response, the concern about the roofers seems unwarranted. After all, if everyone thought that way, nobody would hire a roofer.

Without further ado, here are some things to consider when doing roofing in the winter:

1. The Roofers Are Just As Cold As You Are

Although you might be quite comfortable in your home with the heat on, residential roofers are often out in the cold, working to repair and replace roofs. 

If you think it’s cold outside, you can’t even begin to imagine how cold it is when you’re on the roof of a home. Even the folks doing roofing for commercial buildings have it bad.

2. The Roofers Must Have the Proper Gear

But there are many roofers and roofing contractors who are out working on roofs when it’s cold outside. Just because it’s cold out there doesn’t mean that people are willing to suffer through it—or stay home, for that matter. 

When you call a roofer, you’re not contacting just any company. You’re calling a company dedicated to providing excellent customer service and a company that knows you’ll be happy with their work once it’s finished.

The best companies provide their workers with the proper gear. In fact, as a general rule, the more professional and experienced the company, the more equipment they’re likely to provide. This gear includes things like insulated overalls, hand warmers, toe warmers, extra gloves, hats, scarves, and more.

3. The Roofers Have the Training and Certifications Required

Another thing to consider is that a good roofer will be fully trained and certified to do roofing. Some roofers will have some training and experience, but not all of the training and certifications you’re looking for. 

A good roofer will be able to tell you the different certifications they have, including ones they’ve obtained while working for other companies.

And let’s face it: You would never hire a company that didn’t have the training, skills, and certifications required to get the job done right. You also wouldn’t hire a company that didn’t have the right equipment.

4. The Roofers Are Insured

An added benefit is, of course, that anyone who is doing roofing is likely to have insurance in place to protect themselves and your home. This means that none of their tools or materials will cause damage to your property. If they do, they’ll be responsible for paying for the repairs.

5. The Roofers Can Finish the Job on Time

You may be thinking, Okay, but what about during the summer months when it’s hot outside? Well, the truth is, temperatures outside are higher during the summer months, so there can be some issues with the roofers working in that kind of heat. 

However, the roofers are up to the challenge, and they will take the necessary precautions to get the job done well and on time.


If you’re considering having roofing work done in the middle of winter, you should do it! Roofing is always a good idea, and you can even get the job done all year round. However, you could get a better price if you get it done in the winter.

Cardinal Roofing provides roofing services for residential and commercial properties in Alabama and Middle Tennessee. We provide commercial and residential services, whether that be a roof inspection, installation, repair, or maintenance. We stand behind our work with excellent warranties and guarantees on every job we complete. If you need roofers in Birmingham, AL, get in touch with us! Let us know how we can help.