7 Compelling Reasons Why Roof Maintenance Is Necessary

7 Compelling Reasons Why Roof Maintenance Is Necessary

March 10, 2022

The roof is an essential part of a house because it protects the overhead from the elements. Unfortunately, many homeowners take their roofs for granted, and they don’t realize the value of roof maintenance.

Roof maintenance isn’t just about cleaning the roof because it’s also about keeping your roof and the structure of your home protected from various hazards. Since some homeowners don’t prioritize roof maintenance, their roofs sustain considerable damage.

If you’re one of those homeowners, we listed down the reasons why you should never take roof maintenance for granted. Read on below to get started.

#1 – Leaks Can Cause Structural Damage

When homeowners neglect roof maintenance, they’re opening their homes to leaks and other structural damage. Since there’s a lot of moisture trapped on the roof, water can seep through the roofing materials. This is a severe problem since rain can cause damage to the structure of the home.

Additionally, leaks can be a gateway for mold growth. Mold is a fungus that grows in wet and humid places, and it can be a severe health problem for homeowners. Aside from the health risks, mold growth can also cause structural damage to your home.

#2 – Causes Stress

Budgeting for a new roof isn’t an easy task. The costs of a new roof can be expensive, and it can put a lot of stress on your finances. Moreover, as we mentioned earlier, leaks can also cause mold growth, leading to health problems later. Mold growth can also cause significant structural damage to your home.

Additionally, you might have to shell out big bucks for emergency care if your roof leaks and causes significant damage to the structure.

#3 – Your Energy Bills Will Go Higher

One of the most common reasons people neglect roof maintenance is the roof installation cost. However, while the roof installation is inevitable, you can keep your energy bills low if your roof is in good condition.

As mentioned earlier, a leaky roof can trap moisture, which can cause mold growth. Mold can decrease the efficiency of your HVAC system, and it can also increase your energy bill.

#4 – Your Insurance Rates Will Go Up

Insurance companies consider roof leaks as material damage to property. If your home develops a leak, you have to pay for the repairs, and your insurance rates will go up.

Some insurance companies even refuse to insure homes with leaks, which means homeowners will have no coverage at all. If a leak happens to your home, which causes structural damage, you have to pay for the repairs, and your insurance rates will go up.

#5 – Decreases Your Home’s Value

Understandably, many homeowners are reluctant to spend big money on repairs. However, if you fail to address your roof’s issues, it could decrease home value.

If you have a leaky roof, it can cause discoloration and swelling of your shingles. This is a severe problem since sellers will have a hard time selling the home if it has badly damaged shingles. It is also a good idea to replace your shingles if they are badly damaged.

#6 – Increases Repair Costs

Even if the roof construction is still strong, you can expect that patching up the roof can increase the repair costs. You have to replace your shingles, and you have to hire someone to clean up the mess on your roof or re-treat it. With that in mind, it’s best if you address the issues as early as possible.

#7 – Deteriorates Roof Quality

Roofs are not indestructible, and they can deteriorate with time. If you don’t address roof maintenance early, you will replace the roof entirely. It’s important to address roof issues as early as possible because it prevents you from incurring recurring costs.


Roof maintenance isn’t just about cleaning off the debris and leaves that collect on your rooftop. It’s also about keeping your roof in good condition. It doesn’t take much to avoid roof maintenance problems, and you don’t have to do much to maintain your roof as long as you do it regularly.

If you’re looking for a roofing company in Birmingham, AL, Cardinal Roofing is the one for you! Our team of experienced roofing contractors will ensure that your roof is strong enough to protect your home, all for an affordable price. Contact us today to get a quote!