Considering the Noise Factor of Owning a Metal Roof

Considering the Noise Factor of Owning a Metal Roof

July 07, 2022

There are many factors to take into account when choosing a metal roof for your house, including reflectivity, color impact resistance, and the exterior design of your house. However, the noise level is another aspect to take into account. 

Rain, hail, and other weather conditions can make much more noise on a metal roof than on a typical shingled roof.

Every homeowner needs to consider certain factors when choosing a new roof for their homes such as the fact that if you choose to hire a roofer to build a metal roof, there will be some noise during rain and sleet. Some of those factors are explored below.

Considering Loud Noises with Metal Roofing during Rain

Without properly placed solid decking, you will be able to hear the rain and will be forced to rely only on the insulation in your ceiling to muffle it. 

A metal roof will make some noise when it rains, regardless. Metal roofing makes rain sounds inevitable, but many individuals find the sound of rain on their metal roof to be tranquil and soothing.

A fresh approach has also been developed to reduce noise on metal roofs. Wood fiber insulation boards can be added to an ordinary metal roof installation to improve it. 

These boards can be installed by your roofer in the space between your roof’s metal panels and decking. Even during intense downpours, wood fiber insulation boards will add a layer to absorb rain-related noise further.

This improvement will need the sound of the wind and rain to travel farther due to the insulation boards, roof decking, and insulation in your ceiling. 

Please keep in mind that while installing insulating boards can significantly reduce noise, they won’t entirely silence it.

Inquiring If a Metal Roof Is Noisier Than Other Types of Roof

Durable materials including galvalume, aluminum, copper, zinc, and stainless steel are used to make high-quality metal roofing. All these materials are excellent alternatives to metal roofing, but they are the only kinds of roofs that distinctly reflect the sound of the rain. 

Due to the nature of their materials, asphalt and other roof types, including slate, concrete, and clay, are better at absorbing sound. Installing a metal roof might not be ideal if you have a lot of noise sensitivity. A metal roof will always be a little louder than the other roof kinds.

Determining If a Metal Roof Is the Best Option for You

If you’re still debating, you ought to prioritize your desires as a homeowner. A metal roof might not be a good fit for you if you are concerned about sleeping difficulties at night during a downpour. 

On the other hand, if you cherish the sound of rain on your family’s porch and barn roofs as a child, a metal roof might be the best option for you.

Depending on your definition of what constitutes noise, the sounds your metal roof may produce inside your home may be relaxing or annoying.

Using Your Metal Roof to Your Advantage

If your installer takes the right procedures to add extra layers to your roof’s structure during installation, your new metal roof shouldn’t be very noisy. The metal roofs that are currently on the market are by far the quietest metal roofing solutions ever offered by the home improvement sector. 

Modern metal roofing has a far better sound-proofing composition, allowing you to have an incredibly robust protection barrier for your property that won’t be a noise annoyance after it is placed.


A vital factor to look into is whether your roof will increase the noise level in your house. Every homeowner who is considering installing a metal roof should research on this. 

It is a good idea to find out if you will be able to hear more noise as a result of having a metal roof because, if done properly, they will endure at least fifty years.

If you’re looking for top-rated metal roofing in Birmingham, look no further than Cardinal Roof. We offer roofing services for residential and commercial buildings in Alabama and Middle Tennessee. Schedule an appointment today!