What to Do If You Experienced a Bad Roofing Job: Our Guide

What to Do If You Experienced a Bad Roofing Job: Our Guide

August 05, 2021

The point of hiring a roofing contractor is to make sure that you can have a high-quality roof that can last a long time. Unfortunately, not all homeowners get the satisfaction and benefits of hiring a roofing contractor. Some are not satisfied because the roofing job did not turn out well over time.

If you are one of the homeowners who are frustrated with the job done on your roof, here are the things you can do to settle your problem with the roofer:

1. Communicate Your Concerns to the Roofer

Clear and transparent communication can yield good results. Don't be afraid to state your concerns with the roofer because there could have been a gap in communication during the process.

Most servicing companies value customers' feedback. Because their reputation is on the line, they are willing to do whatever they can to satisfy their clients. If you can explain why you are not happy, maybe they will make a way to make you feel satisfied with their job and earn your trust again.

2. Review the Initial Agreement

If they have not accepted your complaint or seem unwilling to rectify the situation when you talk to them, cite the initial agreement. Check if the contract specifies anything about a warranty, damage, or unsatisfactory results. If there is, politely remind them about the deal, and show them that you are entitled to have your roof fixed.

A good roofing company can provide a warranty like this so that their clients would feel secured if ever there are damages and structural problems. That's why it's essential to read, understand, and clarify the contract before signing any agreement.

3. Prepare for a Formal Complaint

In any case, the roofer doesn't like to make amends with your roofing concern, and there's no warranty coverage in the agreement, prepare for a formal complaint. Part of your preparation should include drafting the complaint in writing. You should also collate evidence like photos of the roof showing that it is poorly done. This can be from any angle, inside or outside as long as it show that your roof is not functioning properly. This way, your complaint will have a heavy bearing, and you'll gain more chances of winning your case. If your roofing company fails to acknowledge your complaint, contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

4. Consider Making a Legal Action

If your complaint makes it to the BBB, they may recommend litigation. While taking legal action may cost you, it will still be a wise decision if you want to take back the money you've spent with the roofing service. You can also help future clients not end up in the same situation as you. By taking this step you can prevent the roofing company from creating another lousy roofing job that impacts the.


If you don't want to experience the same hassle of a bad roofing job, ensure that you choose a trusted and experienced roofing company next time. When a professional works on your roof, you don't have to worry about getting in touch with them again for a complaint, digging into the initial agreement, and spending another expense for litigation. You'll be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that your roof has no damage and is fixed properly.

If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy roofing company in Alabama and Middle Tennessee, Cardinal Roofing is here to help! We will ensure that your roof is top-notch, performs well under seasonal stress, is made of great quality products, and is done by an exceptional team. Get in touch with us today!

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